We believe in providing you with the very best treatment for prostate cancer. We do this by partnering with experts in the field, integrating state-of-the-art technology, cultivating compassionate relationships with our patients and providing a supportive environment for healing.

Our specialty is treating prostate cancer with a plan designed for your specific needs. Patient care is coordinated by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors who lay out all of your options so you can determine the best course of treatment, including active surveillance, radiation therapy after surgery if necessary, and immediate radiation therapy. Our compassionate cancer care and stage 4 cancer treatments are focused on empowering each patient with the knowledge they need to make the right decision. We discuss dietary strategies, survivorship (how to stay healthy after treatment), and treatment options that might become available in the near future.

We are also the only free-standing, dedicated prostate care center in the city of San Francisco, making our staff focused on prostate cancer treatment and resulting in a better patient experience.

Our integrated cancer care center is located in the historic South of Market district, just across from AT&T Park, home to the San Francisco Giants. Our unique facility has been custom designed to provide the very best environment for healing. We will be moving to our new center at 1661 Mission Street in mid-2020. That facility will have a Halcyon machine, the first such treatment facility in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our facility features a spacious patient rest area complete with a large flat-screen television, recreational pool table, generously padded lounge chairs and inviting interior design. Here you can relax, enjoy the facility, meet new friends, and feel supported in comfort while waiting to receive your scheduled treatments. For your convenience, members of our staff are fluent in Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Toisanese, and Hindi.

For superior prostate cancer treatment, contact us. We treat patients in the San Francisco Bay area.